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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


At Paulton Infant School our aim is to provide a happy, stimulating environment where every child will be given the best possible opportunities to achieve their full potential and an education which will nurture their needs as individuals. We constantly review our provision and in consultation with parents and our wider community, we strive to retain our family ethos whilst also equipping our children for the future.


We hope to encourage a shared commitment to the success of our children, where parents have a positive role in complementing and supporting the work of the school.

In the Foundation Stage children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS). This curriculum is based upon four themes and principles which we at Paulton Infants uphold.


The Unique Child – All children are different, but should be treated equally. Positive relationships and communication are vital. The children need to learn about taking risks safely, how to make good choices and how to stick to boundaries.


Positive Relationships – Children need to learn to manage their own feelings and behaviour. We as a school need to respect all kinds of families and aim to develop a positive two-way relationship with parents. We will support, listen to and work with the children to help them learn. We will also talk to parents to make sure that the needs of the child are being met appropriately.


Enabling Environments – As a school we plan for and check on each child’s progress. We will ensure that the inside and outside spaces are safe, interesting and engaging. We support children when they move on and work as a team to help your child succeed.


Learning and Development - We will encourage the children to develop their imagination, to get actively involved in learning and to make decisions. We will develop the children’s creative and critical thinking, balancing the need for both the children and adults to lead the learning.


The EYFS Framework


Starting school is where the excitement begins and our planning is developed around the children’s interests. We pride ourselves on being an exciting and engaging place to be; encouraging our children to be independent learners through a range of practical activities. We follow a thematic curriculum which allows us to be creative with our lessons and lets the children lead their own learning. We gauge the children’s interests to enable us, as a team, to plan activities we know will interest the children.


The Early Years Curriculum is currently made up of seven areas of learning and development. Click on the images below to see learning in action in EYFS at Paulton Infant School in each of the seven areas.





















































The Characteristics of Effective Learning support the child’s development in each area, at Paulton Infant School we link these to our Gem Powers for learning.


Characteristics of Effective Learning

  • Playing and Exploring

  • Active Learning

  • Creating and Thinking Critically


This framework provides the basis of how we structure the setting, the activities and opportunities we provide; as well as how we assess your child’s development. For each of these areas your child will have an ‘Early Learning Goal’ to work towards. At the end of the Year they will be assessed at ‘Emerging’, ‘Expected’ or ‘Exceeding’ these goals.
To find out more about the Early Years Curriculum, please download a copy of What to Expect When – Parent Guide to EYFS from the Department for Education. It is a helpful guide for families about children’s learning and development from Birth to Age 5.
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