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Information for parents with children starting in Reception in 2024

Useful link - BANES guidance: A Primary School for your Child in Bath & North East Somerset


Welcome to Paulton Infant School

Thank you for considering Paulton Infant School as the educational setting for your child to join in September. We are looking  forward to welcoming them, and you, into our community. Please direct all enquiries to the general school email address at


Starting School - Transition

Many children find the transition to school both exciting and a little overwhelming so we hope you appreciate how important it is to adapt to school life in a slightly staggered time frame. It is important for everyone’s safety and wellbeing to form connections with children and establish key rules and routines. While some children have been used to attending pre-school settings for long days, they now need to adapt to having fewer adults for support. We have found that a staggered start to school suits our children best. The first week involves children coming for either the morning or the afternoon; in the second week all children come for just the morning; in the third week they stay for lunch; and in the 4th week everyone is full time. Below you can see our transition timetables for 2023 to give you an idea of what to expect in September 2024.


Transition into Reception June - July 2024












Induction into Reception in September 2024













Meet the 2023-2024 Reception Teachers

Please click on each photo to watch them reading their favourite stories.










Meet the EYFS Team - This was filmed in 2021 but we are all still here apart from Miss Light who has moved to Year 1.









Learning in Reception

To find out more about what you might see in EYFS at Paulton Infant School watch this video. You can also check out our EYFS page and the EYFS termly pages to find out more about our learning in Reception.












Starting School Book

Our colleague and friend, Sonia Mainstone-Cotton from Brighter Futures has kindly let us share this wonderful book about starting school. Please click on the link Starting School Book to enjoy with your child.


Starting School Social Story

If your child is feeling anxious about starting school here is a social story that might help them.


Important Documents

Home school agreement

Parent Code of Conduct

Attendance Policy 

Behaviour Policy 2022 

EYFS Policy

Intimate Care Policy



Uniform is available from 

Our School dress code can be found here.


Pupil Premium Funding

Your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. This supports their learning and pays for activities such as school trips. It also provides them with free school meals when they leave the infant school. This link Pupil Premium Funding takes you to the Government online application form.

Mrs Upham
Elder Class

Miss Ireland
Mulberry Class

Mrs Gearing
Mulberry Class Th-F

Term 6 2024 induction.png
New sep dates b.png

Social Media

Contact Us


© Copyright 2018 Paulton Infant School 

Tel: 01761 412354


Paulton Infant School, Plumptre Close, Paulton
BS39 7QY

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