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School Council

Our school council this year is a team of 10 children from across years 1 and 2.

Meet our councillors:

Maple Class: Noah and Clara

Magnolia Class: Harry and Pippa

Sycamore Class: Emma and Phoebe

Hawthorn Class: Harry-Leigh and Morgan

Hazel Class: Maya and Marnie


Our main job is to make the school a better place for everyone in it!

So far we have been working with 2 charities.

We worked with The Dogs Trust and did a work shop about how to say hello

to a dog safely. We had lots of fun asking questions about how the dogs may

feel if we approach them without asking! You can find more information about

the charity here.

We are now working with School in a Bag. We are hoping to organise some fund

raising events to raise some money for new school bags for those in need. Each

bag costs £1 and can provide a child in need with everything they need in order

to be successful at school. We are very busy planning these events so keep an

eye out to see how you can help! You can find out more about the charity here.


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