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Paulton Infant School is an inclusive school where we celebrate all pupils as individuals with a recognition that the needs and experiences of these children may be different.


Within our school we strive to support all children regardless of their Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in order to reach their full potential and become enabled learners for now and the future. Regardless of a child’s SEND needs, our staff team are committed to ensuring that they achieve the best outcomes possible with an understanding that any all children can strive for high ambitions with the correct support.





Identifying Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Paulton Infant school we act promptly to monitor children’s arising needs. As a school we recognise that early intervention is essential in ensuring adequate support for individual children’s needs to maximise their progress and help support closing the attainment gap between pupils with SEND and those without. 


Should school staff have concerns regarding children’s attainment and progress they will consult with you as parents and make use of the BANES Graduated Response document in order to pinpoint where individuals are having difficulties and implement different strategies and approaches to help maximise progress. This is known as Quality First Teaching (QFT). 


Where a QFT approach does not have the desired outcome or the need becomes more significant, then class teachers will consult with the school SENDCO and identify specific targets for your child to be supported through small group, focused intervention work as part of a Single Support Plan (SSP) which will be shared with you at home. This will mean that your child has been placed on the SEND register and will continue to be monitored closely with SSPs being reviewed and updated 3 times throughout the year in order to enable children to meet their specific targets as we aim to close the gap between them and their peers.


During this time, it may be necessary to seek support from external agencies such as Speech and Language, Occupational Therapists, Educational Phycologists etc. but this will be explained to you and you will be involved in completing necessary referral forms and giving permission for external agencies to offer support.


For additional information relating to SEND at Paulton Infant School please see the SEND Local Offer and our SEND policy and please remember that should you have concerns about your child to raise them as soon as possible with your child's class teacher.


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© Copyright 2018 Paulton Infant School 

Tel: 01761 412354


Paulton Infant School, Plumptre Close, Paulton
BS39 7QY

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