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Statutory information


Contact details

Paulton Infant School, Plumptre Close, Paulton, BS39 7QY


Telephone Number: 01761 412354

Chair Of Governors: Charlotte Seabrook

Head Teacher: Emily Omell

Office Manager: Kim Niemand / School Administrator: Jo Bengey



Paulton Infant School School is part of The Partnership Trust who are the Admissions Authority for all schools within it.  You can find out more on their website.


We understand that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make and we would strongly recommend that you take the opportunity to visit those schools that you are interested in so that you can see the facilities and learning on offer.  If you would like to arrange a visit to see our school in action, if you have any questions or require any further information, please contact the school office on: 01761 412354 or Email:


We have set out below information to support you in making an application for a place for your child at our school.  


Reception Admissions

The Partnership Trust is the Admissions Authority for our school. However, the Local Authority manages admissions on behalf of the Trust for children joining at the start of Reception. Information can be found on Apply for a primary school place (Reception) | Bath and North East Somerset Council (


Joining School in Reception: Children are offered three full terms of education in their reception year and most are admitted in the September following their fourth birthday. Legally, however, children do not have to be in school until the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday, so parents may defer the start of school until January or April if they wish. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.


To ensure a happy and confident start to their formal schooling, there is a carefully managed induction programme in September which includes shorter sessions and days. This enables the staff team to build relationships with the children and for the children to settle into new routines. Children and parents are invited into school for a series of induction events in the summer term preceding their entry.  In the first term, parents are invited to curriculum events where information is shared to help them support their child’s learning.


Our planned admission numbers (PAN) are 90.


In Year Admissions

In year admissions are requests for places at school aside from the initial admission of Reception children each September. As an own admission authority, The Partnership Trust is responsible for setting in year admissions processes for all schools within in. 


Details of our admission arrangements can be found on the below links and applications are made on the Trust’s Application form which you can find here. If you would prefer a hard copy of any of these documents, please get in touch with the school office.


Admission Arrangements for 2023-24

Admission Arrangements for 2024-25

Admission Arrangements for 2025-26



Appeals For Places

Information on the appeals process and an appeals form can be accessed by following the link below.


School Admissions Appeals Timetable (found on The Partnership Trust website)

School Admissions Appeal Form (found on The Partnership Trust website)


Please note that, for children joining us at the start of reception, once we are notified that they have been allocated a place at our school, we will contact you with an invitation to take part in our induction programme. This provides an opportunity for you and your child to learn more about the school and meet the class teachers and for us to find out more about your child. 

When children are entering part way through a school year we work closely with parents/carers to create an induction process that makes transition as smooth as possible.


DfE Tables

You can view the DFE performance tables for our school here


British Values

The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty,  mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”


At Paulton Infant School our values are reinforced regularly Please click here to read how we do this at Paulton Infant School.



At Paulton Infant School, children's learning is at the heart of all we do; be this academic, social or emotional. We have devised an exciting, fun and engaging two year rolling plan in order to ensure that regardless of class structure the children will be engaged with learning that meets their specific age and stage of learning. As a Local Authority School, we provide education in line with DfE requirements.

For EYFS (The Reception Classes) this will organised into three prime and four specific areas of learning.

Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Personal, social and emotional development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy

  • Maths

  • Understanding of the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design

For Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2 classes), the National Curriculum applies to all children of compulsory school age.​ This consists of core subject areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Computing and Religious Education as well as foundation subjects including History, Geography, Art, DT, Music, PSHE and PE. These are all taught regularly through a skills-based thematic approach. 

We support each child to see themselves as pivotal to the learning process by teaching them all about Gem Power and how to develop this.

We are currently reviewing our Curriculum provision so watch this space!


For more information visit Our Curriculum Page.



Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure Statement

  • Review Date: December 2024

  • Senior Member of Staff Responsible: Ms Emily Omell (Headteacher) or CEO Emily Massey

  • Required Level of Approval: Board of Trustees

  • Governors Responsible: LGB

  • Ratified by the Governing Body: December 2023

Paulton Infant School will always aim to work in partnership with parents in the best interests of the children. Any complaint will be given careful consideration and will be dealt with fairly.

We will provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed, and aim to resolve it through open dialogue and mutual understanding.  Our policy supports this, as well as providing a formal structure where this may become necessary.

Please click here to download a full copy of our current policy.


Equality Statement

Click here to read our Equality Statement and Objectives


Please visit The Partnership Trust page to view the Equality Policy.


Accessibility plan 2024 - 2027























Our Mission Statement


Our School Values provide the foundation for our teaching and learning ensuring that our children 'GROW' every day to become confident, successful and happy British Citizens. Learning is fun, creative and purposeful at Paulton Infants and we celebrate that children leave our school ready for their next step in education. Working collaboratively is fundamental at Paulton Infants which is also a core purpose at The Partnership Trust; we strive to work closely with parents, between teachers, our trust, and the children securing the very best possible outcomes.






















GDPR (Data Protection)



We follow all of The Partnership Trust policies which can be found here.

Our Privacy Notices can be found here.





Please click here to read our most up to date OFSTED report.



Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium is an allocation of money given to the school each year by Central Government to narrow attainment gaps between pupils from disadvantaged families and their peers. You can view our next three year strategy below and the  Review of Pupil Premium 2023 - 2024 here which explains how we have used this money and look at the impact of the strategies we use to support our most vulnerable children.

We use this funding for two main purposes:

  1. To increase progress 

  2. To ensure all children are ready to learn. This may involve more pastoral approaches such as strategies to improve positive mental health and reduce anxieties.

View our full three year plan here Pupil Premium 2025- 2028

View our Pupil Premium strategy 'At a glance' document here



Sports Premium

At Paulton Infant School we recognise the benefit of keeping children healthy and active.

You can read the impact statement of how we have spent the Sports Premium 2023 - 2024 here




Sometimes children at Paulton Infant School may need extra help with their learning or an adjustment to their learning environment and or resources. Please look at our SEND policy to see how we support children at Paulton Infant School and also how the Norton Radstock schools have worked together to create a 'Norton Radstock SEN Local Offer'.

SEND Policy

SEND Local Offer

SEND Information report


Remote Education

During the National Lockdown the DfE have tasked schools with providing high quality education for key workers and vulnerable children within the school setting and also the same for children learning at home.

To access the offer at Paulton Infant School, please read the document within this link.



Risk Assessment at January 2021

Please see attached the current school risk assessment. This is reviewed on a weekly basis and so the version contained here may not be the most up to date version


Assessment Data
DFE tables
British Values
Our Curriculum
Pupil Premium
Equality Statement
GDPR (Data Protection)
Sport's Premium
SEND Policy
Remote Education
Risk Assessment



Our Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL) is Ms Emily Omell (Headteacher).  Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DDSL) are Mrs Butcher, Mrs Perry, Mr Cozens and Mrs Upham. Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr Tim McMillan


Our Safeguarding policy can be found here.

Safeguarding Statement

Prevent Statement


Social Media

Contact Us


© Copyright 2018 Paulton Infant School 

Tel: 01761 412354


Paulton Infant School, Plumptre Close, Paulton
BS39 7QY

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