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Term 1 2023

Key Dates for Term 1

Monday 4th Sep - Allocated slots to explore the classroom and meet the teachers. Uniform optional.

Tuesday 5th Sep - 'First Day' for children attending either in morning or afternoon. Uniform compulsory.

Week beginning 11th Sep - Children attend 8:30am-11:45am. 

Week beginning 18th Sep - Children attend 8:30am-1:15pm. First Lunches.

Monday 25th Sep - All children start full time. Children attend 8:30am-3pm.

Week beginning Monday 16th October - A pumpkin themed week. All donations of pumpkins or other squash very welcome!

Monday 16th October - Stay and Play 3:05-3:25

Thursday 19th Oct - last day of term for children



What will my child be doing in school?


Please read the above documents to find out more about the curriculum content in Term 1 at Paulton Infant School. For more information about the year as a whole please see our EYFS curriculum page.


A significant part of the beginning of Reception involves us really getting to know your child. We will be conducting the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment within the first few weeks of term as well as making our own assessments that we use to inform later learning.  We will also be focussing on building positive relationships and helping all children feel safe and settled in school - a necessity for academic learning. Your child will be busy learning lots of new routines and rules at the start of the year. The use of routine and clear boundaries supports children to feel secure and comfortable at school and also enables everybody to stay safe and able to learn.


You will be able to stay up to date with our learning in school through the app 'Evidence Me'. We will soon give you information about how to download this and sign up. This website is also updated termly.



What to bring


We are excited about welcoming you and your children on Monday before the children come into school on their own for the first time on Tuesday. On Tuesday, please can they bring their book bag and water bottle. (Please don't carry the water bottle in the book bag as leaks and condensation damage the books). If you don’t yet have a book bag, a plastic bag/tote bag or similar flat bag will do for now. Please avoid backpacks if you can. You can order book bags here . As a snack, fruit will be provided by school but your child may prefer to bring their own and put it in their drawer. This snack must be fresh fruit or vegetables. Starting from the second week of school, all 4 year olds will also be offered a drink of milk at snack time.


While data is still being processed, please could you ensure that any significant medical need/allergy is communicated directly to the class teacher, if you have not done so already, before leaving your child in our care. Children will be offered milk, fruit and breadsticks so we need to know if they cannot have any foods.


All children will need a named coat.


Children will not need to bring in their own wellies until Term 4 when EYFS are first scheduled to take part in forest school.  We will use a shared stock of wellies when accessing our mud kitchen.


Named P.E. kits in a named drawstring bag will be needed from the third week of term. These will stay in school and will be sent home to be washed each school holiday.







































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© Copyright 2018 Paulton Infant School 

Tel: 01761 412354


Paulton Infant School, Plumptre Close, Paulton
BS39 7QY

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